After more than a year apart (with many emails in-between), members of the Schuhplattler Verein Enzian gathered on May 1st in the club parking lot to put up the 2021 edition of the Austrian Club Maibaum. Every year a few new details are added and improvements are made, and this year’s version looks terrific. Many […]
Katharina, the organizer: “Thank you again for being a part of this endeavor! I am so honored to have been a part of your work over the last 8 months and am so grateful to have been welcomed into your rehearsal space.” – Thank you, Katharina, it was so interesting!!!
Everything is blooming, and We’ve installed this Tree. Young and old are here today Hurray for the First of May!
Austrian Choir Heimatecho celebrates their 38th Anniversary! We all had wonderful evening with delicious food, exciting entertainment and great music from “Jana & Danny”.